reaching the unreachable with the grace and mercy of the gospel and facilitating others to do the same.

Go and Tell Ministries

Go and Tell’s

The second branch of ministry, our Facilitation Ministries, covers a much broader spectrum of work. This part of the ministry has been born out of a burden we have for the smaller churches and missions in Mexico. It would be fair to say that 90% of the churches we have worked with have two things in common. One is their desire to see their churches grow to the point of expansion through the establishment of missions and the second is their overwhelming lack of resources to see this come to pass. In meeting after meeting we have heard the same story over and over – “we have a good solid core group of adults and they want to have Sunday School but we have no books or materials…we have youth and children here but we have no one who knows how to teach them (or) we have teachers but they don’t have paper, glue and crayons…we have men in our church that could potentially be great leaders but they need the tools to do the work of leading the church.”  And then the following statements always come, “whatever you can do to teach us, to train us, that is what we need – we want to and will do the work – we just need direction and support.” We have quickly come to see that by helping to better equip the local church and facilitate them to do the work of the Great Commission this ministry will have a much greater reach and impact.
The area of facilitation truly covers many things…
•    Training conferences for teachers, deacons, pastors, lay leaders, and women
•    Provision of basic supplies like bibles, crayons, paper and glue
•    Donations of old or new Spanish Sunday School materials
•    Physical improvements to existing church buildings
•    Expansion of buildings and additions for Sunday School space
•    Physical support for the local seminaries
•    Provision of overhauled computers for our local pastors and seminary students
•    And the list goes on and on
Below are some links you can follow to read more about the specific ways the Lord has opened and is opening doors for us to work with local churches and missions in Mexico…



The things we have been called to here in Mexico are by no means small tasks. There are many opportunities for people from all over the United States and Mexico to participate in the work here. If you are interested in how you can be a part of what God is doing through this ministry check out our....